Amanda Jewellery Co., Ltd. is committed to environmental excellence and sustainability in all aspects of our operations and business activities, from gemstone cutting and goldsmithing to product distribution. This policy outlines our commitment to environmental management and performance in alignment with international standards and the Global Social Compliance Programme.
policy statement
Amanda Jewellery pledges to:
Prevent Pollution: Minimise waste, promote recycling, reduce energy consumption, and prevent pollution at source wherever feasible.
Compliance Commitment: Adhere to all applicable environmental legislation, regulations, and other requirements, including but not limited to the Thai Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535 (1992)
Continuous Improvement: Continuously improve our environmental management system to enhance environmental performance. This includes setting measurable objectives and targets which are regularly reviewed and adjusted.
Responsible Resource Management: Use natural resources, including raw materials, water, and energy, responsibly and efficiently.
Stakeholder Engagement: Engage stakeholders including employees, customers, and suppliers in our environmental efforts and encourage them to collaborate in our environmental initiatives.
Training and Awareness: Ensure that all employees are aware of and trained in our environmental policy, with specific focus on their role in its implementation.
Public Disclosure: Communicate openly on our website and by other means about our environmental policy and performance and encourage feedback from all stakeholders.
Framework for Action
Objective Setting and Review: Establish and review environmental objectives and targets during annual management reviews and align them with the strategic direction of the company.
Performance Monitoring: Implement monitoring and measurement techniques to assess environmental performance against objectives and legal requirements.
Environmental Impact Assessment: Conduct regular environmental impact assessments for new projects and existing operations (if warranted by local Thai legislation).
Emergency Preparedness and Response: Develop and maintain procedures for managing environmental emergencies in accordance with Thai legal requirements.
Review and Continual Improvement
This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness in response to changes in law, our business, and the latest environmental standards. This Environmental Policy is endorsed by the Board of Directors of Amanda Jewellery Co., Ltd. and is implemented across all levels of the organisation. This policy structure complies with the requirements of Thai environmental regulations, focusing on a strategic, transparent approach to environmental management, centred around continual improvement and compliance with relevant standards and regulations.